mountain, mist, landscape-5195052.jpg

Task 1

I believe…every film [story] must contain some degree of ‘planned violence’ upon its audience. In a good film [story], people must be made to see something that they dont want to see; they must be made to approve of someone of whom they had previously disapproved, they must be forced to look where they had refused to look.
François Truffaut

Consider the above quote by filmmaker Francois Truffaut. If you haven’t see The Wild Child, I highly recommend it as a deep critique of “schooling”. Review your film, game, novel, story experiences, and try to find one story/character that really challenges you, developed skills you could apply in your life, and helped you grow as a person.

Your task is to help us understand how and why the storycharatcer worked so well for you. To do so , you will need to give us visual s, concise descriptions, and an explanation of critical story events or situations that challenged you with such ‘planned violence’ and thus enable you to grow.

Finally, explain what lessons you can take from this as a story/game designer yourself. What tips are your takeaways?

In your post, use a featured image, a few paragraphs of description, perhaps more images, maps, quotes, even short video clips (a youtube URL will embed in WordPress, just add the share URL). We will use these in class next week for a show & tell.

  • Post title: Task 1: your name
  • Post Category: Task 1
  • Featured image: yes!
  • Excerpt: give story/game/film title and your key character in a 1 sentence description; eg “Samwise from Lord of the Rings taught me that courage is sticking by your best friend even when they reject you. “