Task 1 – Nate R

In the TV show “The Sopranos”, the main character Tony Soprano is one of the most well known characters in television history. What makes him stand out among all the other characters is his power. He has managed to become the head of the mafia and isn’t afraid to let people know. As a viewer you would expect the head of the mafia to be the toughest and scariest person alive.  Which at some points in the show, Tony would definitely seem that way. But just like any other good main character in stories, he has some flaws.

His everyday actions benefit him in the short term, but in the long term they can make his life much more difficult than it needs to be. He has trouble balancing his work life with his family life. He begins to see a therapist which the mafia would be against if they found out. As they would expect him to be this perfect, carless, yet so caring person. He loses control over his own life and his family begins to fall apart. Using lies and deception he tries to hide his mafia lifestyle from his family but that will only work for so long. The more they find out Tony is hiding, the faster they begin to fall apart.

Tony Soprano has shown that your actions may benefit you but strongly affect those closest to you.


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