silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour

Task 10


This draft should have more than half of your story complete, plus significant media–maps, songs, audio, images etc—that give  visual and/or interactive dimension to your story.

Again, for this assignment QUANTITY matters over QUALITY–You can work on revisions after you get your content down and get some feedback.  Your task is to flesh out the scope of your story as fully as you can then go back and work on increasing the quality.  

You should also read a classmate’s story for Post 10, and give comment for the story in the WordPress comments section (you will need to be logged into the class website).

Comment on the following story elements (use the bold words as your list for feedback):  

  1. Clear conflict
  2. Character desire linked to plot actions
  3. Character development 
  4. Media/interactivity:  how visual and interactive is the story?
  5. Emotional effect–and why?
  6. World-building–how important and palpable is the world and how relevant to the story?