winnats pass, peak district, derbyshire-5455266.jpg

Task 11


Your main goal is to add more content to your story in its final structure form. You should aim to be at least 2/3 done with your materials. Post Story URL –and check in another browser to make sure it works.

As you develop your story, note beside each list item what aspect of your story corresponds to each of the Story Structure elements below. Note that even if you are drafting only part of a much larger story for this course, each section may also follow the overall pattern, but just at a milder pace–so early scene may have inciting moments, plot points, reversals, and mini-climax that builds toward the larger pattern.  See Story Structure for more tips/diagrams

  1. Hook:
  2. Inciting event (call to action, or refusal of call):
  3. First Plot Point or Key event  (where protagonist is committed to the journey):
  4. Second Plot Point, or Midpoint (can be reversal or moment of truth, but there’s no going back from here):
  5. Third Plot Point (false victory, or failure moment)
  6. Climax (story hangs between values of protagonist & values of antagonist):
  7. Resolution ( new equilibrium):

Note that not all conflicts are “battles”  and in the Art of War, a battle or fight is the LAST ALTERNATIVE if goals can be accomplished in another way–ie compromise, negotiation, collaboration, stealth, etc.  Still, most conflicts result in a CHANGE in the status quo of the story world. 

plot chart