Consider some of the Origin stories we discussed in class, or that you may have researched or encountered in stories, films or games. These stories create and enable (and also limit) whole large-scale “worlds” that we inhabit–often unconsciously accepting their premises. Considering these, you can see how powerful stories are , and how generative.
Next consider a much smaller scale story–game, film, poem, song– that has appealed to you, opened your eyes, or changed your life. And think about how and why that influenced you.
Finally, search through the World Anvil prompts for a prompt that would be fun for you to explore. While it’s important to notice the larger story forces influencing us, try to just go with your gut on this prompt–let yourself be influences by an interesting question. Pick one prompt and copy it into the top of your post as a “Quote”
Write 3 + paragraphs exploring the prompt. Think about the imaginative space you are creating more than the polish of your words. Try to create or envision something that would be equally vivid to your reader. Sometimes giving specific examples with details is a good way to do this. Consider dialogue, action, scene, conflict as common story elements. While you are not necessarily writing a story, using story elements will make your prompt writing vivid.
- Post Title: Task 2-yourname
- Post category: Task 2
- Featured image–do a search for an image that gives a visual sense of your prompt. Optimize your image so it’s no larger than 500k. See optimism info.