Dunderhead Looks for Love

After years of keeping his [[enemies]] too close for comfort, Don Dunderhead, Capo dei Capo, Mafia Boss of the waters surrounding Sardinia, tackles love.
Don Dunderhead is sick and tired of being surrounded by so-called friend-enemies. [[Love beckons.]]
After a rather exhausting search, in which his scales are tilted and critical inner voices are [[crushed.]]
[[Choice 1k]]
[[Choice 2k]]
[[Choice 3k]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[NYMPHO SQUID]
[[Choice 1spq]]
[[choice 2spq]]
[[choice 3spq]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[SALLY SARDINE]
[[Choice 1ss]]
[[Choice 2ss]]
[[Choice 3ss]]
Don Dunderhead narrows his choice of [[Companion-in-Arms.]]
[[Squid Pro Quo]]
[[Sally Sardine]]
Chinese restaurant chef (Mobster the Lobster) captures Squid Pro Quo and puts her on the menu. (picture) Don Dunderhead resumes his search for the [[Companion-in-Arms.]]
Squid Pro Quo and Dunderhead scratch each other’s back until they [[die.]] (picture)
Dunderhead and Squid Pro Quo realize love is not all it is cracked up to be. So, they take turns reading to each other the stories of Inanna, The Illiad, and Romeo and Juliet. Squid Pro Quo starts collecting books and ignores Don Dunderhead. Don Dunderhead shuns the newly converted bibliophile and resumes his search for the [[Companion-in-Arms.]]
Sally Sardine seduces Don Dunderhead. Don Dunderhead mistakenly thinks lust and love are the same. Don Dunderhead’s lust grows, Sally Sardine is not enough. Dunderhead starts eyeing the wives of family. As a result, he is whacked and becomes an ingredient for Mediterranean Casserole. [[The End.]]
Don Dunderhead and Sally Sardine relax in a nice bed of seaweed. As they stare upward, the movements of tiny krill along an unknown set of Cartesian coordinates mesmerize. The krill are Descartian Soldiers plotting a takeover. Sally Sardine is popped, while Don Dunderhead barely escapes with his life. Don Dunderhead resumes his search for the [[Companion-in-Arms.]]
Don Dunderhead and Sally Sardine realize that love is not an end result, it is a journey. So they grab their lanterns, kidnap Diogenes the Consigliere, and live blissfully exploring all facets of their [[union.]]
Krill, the naysayer, convinces Don Dunderhead that love does not exist. They spend the rest of their lives trying to banish the Italian language from their waters. [[The End.]]
Krill, the naysayer, convinces Don Dunderhead that toilet paper is more important than love. On a fateful day, Don Dunderhead runs out of toilet paper, runs to the corner market, fills his basket with TP and while waiting to pay, reads the byline, “Love is Fins and Tales”. Don Dunderhead snaps out of his obsession with TP and resumes his search for the [[Companion-in-Arms.]]
Don Dunderhead believes in love and the love of money. He double-crosses Krill with a plateful of cannoli. Engrossed with cannoli, Krill is oblivious as Don Dunderhead grabs Krill’s stockpile of money which certainly will help cover his expenses. [[Now.]]
Love sucks. Fuggedadoutit. Leave me alone.
[[Here is his love story.]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
I can’t live without it; I hate being all alone.
[[Here is his love story.]]
I can’t please your fish-booty anymore, I’d rather be alone.
Choose the true Dunderhead to continue
[[Here is his love story.]]
[[Fooled ya!]]
[[Fooled ya!]]
[[Fooled ya!]]
Dunderhead Looks for Love.