Write a popular fairy tale told to children in your world.
In this world, the major form of food, currency, and fuel is corn. Bushels of corn are grown to be used to power machines that produce more corn. It is the citizens desire to do nothing but farm the crop, produce, and ingest more corn. Corn is everywhere, corn is everything. The holy book was written about the creation of corn, and all the churches in the world read from it. There is nothing more important than the crop and the harvest. The most powerful people on the planet control the machines that everyone calls “the harvesters.” This is a story told to young children, usually when they first become old enough to start making noise:
There is nothing out there besides the fields.
Here you must work to live. Here you must work to not die.
There is nothing out there besides the fields.
Here you must work to eat. Here you must work to not starve.
There is nothing out there besides the fields.
Here you must stay. Here you must never leave.
There is nothing out there besides the fields.
Here you must feed the Harvesters. Here you must never let them go hungry.
The children of the farm villages would learn to speak by reciting this story, over and over again. Their first words were not “momma” or “daddy,” it was “there” and “is.” That was all they were taught. There was no books, no television, and no contact to the outside world–there was no outside world. The children were raised to grow and harvest corn, nothing more and certainly nothing less.