The year is 1986, it is a normal day in Necvkille. Sun is bright, children are playing in the street, the ice cream man is driving by with his cheerful music, everything is perfect. Or so it seemed. Out of the blue, the Neckville Police Department (NPD) got an emergency call about a problem going on at the ice cream shop. This caught the police officers off guard as there was never any real crime in the town, and this sounded very serious. The police decided it was a good idea to contact The Mayor and let him know the situation, they were preparing for something they aren’t used to. The Mayor gives them the okay to head down to the shop but to be extra safe when approaching.
The mayor has been in town since he was a young child. Born and raised, attending all their schools, and getting a master’s degree at the local university. He loved the town and cared for it, which is why he was destined to be The Mayor at such a young age. Growing up he heard rumors from the other children about the notorious “NeckRobbers.” A group of delinquent citizens that left the town to live the life of crime. The story was they held the ice cream shop hostage for days before finally giving up. This whole event was swept under the rug so there was never public record of it happening, leading to the mystery. When he heard the situation of a problem at the ice cream shop this was the first thing that came into his head. He better play it safe rather than sorry.
As the NPD made their way down the streets of Neckville everyone turned their heads to look. It wasn’t common for the police to have their sirens and lights on going to crime. After all, this is the happiest town in all the lands. The police rolled up the ice cream shop and immediately were drawn back by what was happening inside. The Mayor’s worries were exactly right, the NeckRobbers were back. As the police come over the loudspeaker from their vehicles they announce themselves and tell the criminals to come out with their hands up. The robbers came outside, one holding a hostage and one negotiating with the police. The robber announced himself and said “Ahh, hello the citizens of Neckville. Oh have I missed being back.” The police kept their guns pointed right on him, not moving an inch. He continues “We have learned our lessons from our parents and what happened to them. This time we are going to be the winner, and you guys are the losers.” As the police officer was going to talk again he got a tap on his back. He turned around and saw it was The Mayor there. The Mayor turned to him and said “let me handle this, I think I know what to do.” The police officer gave the microphone over and The Mayor took the mic and…..