task 6 – Brody Lycan

  • Game Title

Saving Mr. Nibbles

Game summary–a first version of this that will allow you to start growing your idea

The game is going to be set in a alien world where an average joe is living in a world of dictatorship. When his hamster mr. nibbles becomes extremely sick, he must go on a series of wild events to obtain the antidote for Mr. Nibbles.

Game purpose–what will it provide to the player & how will it all to the range of cultural storytelling and audience

The game will not only draw parallels to the negative aspects of our society through the alien world, but it will also provide a wholesome plot which should engage most people due to our love for animals/pets.

  • Questions on p7 of GDD

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the game is to immerse the player into the alien reality of the main character _________. The game’s aim is to give the player an immersive, enjoyable experience, but with an intense dose of humor. Conflict will feel less intense due to the level of humor and the overall energy of normally intense situation should be dulled a bit. 

What makes this game different than competing games?

This game is going to be unique due to it’s large involvment of in-your-face humor.  Not many games have a story that isn’t 100% serious and give the user a more silly experience. It is deffinitley more common now adays than it used to be to make games with such a large involveme

What is the story setting?

The story setting for this game will vary, but the overall setting will be an alien planet where the main character resides. It’s going to be a relatively advanced, and populated society, but corrupt and ruled by dictatorship.

What/who will the player control?

The player will control Larry, the main character who is average joe living his everyday life with zero defiance to the man. Larry will start off fairly powerless, but learn some fighting moves along the way to help him take down enemies. There will also be an element of strategy where players will be tasked with solving puzzles.

What is the main objective?

The main objective of this game is save your hamster from dying by acquiring the antidote which Gnarb the ruler has in his moon fortress. You must defeat Gnarbs henchmen, the Gnarbians and find a way to the moon to save your hamster before he’s killed by an alien sickness.

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