Conqueror of Lands
This is a digital/physical trading card game, that people can play on their phones to rule the digital scape of a replica Earth. Through timelines and futuristic ideas, and historic events, can you lead your army to victory?
The games purpose is to provide competition and partnership at the same time. Work together to take down a common enemy, or control as much land as you can.
Game Purpose:
The game is to unite, and create knowledge for the users. The locations can provide special bonuses based on the history around it(idea). Users can work and align together in an alliance, or work together with other alliances to overcome another. The trading card game aspect, includes expansions, and strategies that have yet to be explored.
What’s Different:
The competitors are Magic the Gathering, Pokemon Go, and Civilization. The key difference between both games, are the trading card game aspects being both digital and physical within the same packs. Rather than being creature based, the card game aspect would be higher stakes, as they are ‘fighting’ over the land. Fights are simulated/real time depending on the steaks/risks.
What’s the Setting:
The setting is based off of the real world with a mix of historical and fictional locations. In addition the creatures or castable characters will fit in their individual settings fairly well.
What/Who is Controlled:
The user is primarily controlling their area of land that they own based off of their fights/interactions with the land they are occupying. Factions/Alliances will be allowed and encouraged through the app, to enable control and their land as a collective.
Main Objective:
The main objective is to have an overall sense of community and partnership. While the game goes on and improves with factions, it is important to note that while fighting for land is a key part of the game, working with factions and trading with others to improve your deck truly makes the game experience better.