Task 7

Series of Scenes

Use the scene you created in Task 4 and updated in class as well as the class feedback you got on the scene.

Create at least 3 other scenes, so you have 4 scenes total.

Each scene should build on the previous scene and create a character arc via action. This means in each scene the protagonist/player takes action to get what s/he wants but is thwarted. This may lead to a sequel where they learn something important, or grow or change somehow–but we do need to see movement forward in the protagonist/player development.

Each scene should have the following:

  1. Action around protagonist/player’s desire that is somehow thwarted (there can be some success, but there must be enough failure to push the action forward)
  2. A new problem or issue is discovered that heightens the stakes of the desire, or its costs
  3. The protagonist/player learns something or grows from the scene.
  4. The plot moves forward–ie the story situation has changed because of the protagonist/player’s actions.
  5. The writing does not need to be fancy or perfect in this exercise, it can be rough. Good writing will come with revision. Your job is to sketch out the action, then re-write it with style later. Focus on what happens and how that moves the protagonist/player’s  and plot forward.

While you may write short sequels that would belong between the scenes, for this assignment, I am looking for the 4 actions scene in the oder they occur.

You may want to review the following resources about scenes if you have not already:

How to Structure Your Story