Task 7 – David Lavoie

Conqueror of Lands

Weakness and Need: Cooperation and Controlling the most land.

Desire: Collection, most victorious, aligned team work.

Opponent: Other Conquerors

Plan: Use provided cards to craft the ultimate team. Between timelines, history and fiction/non fiction, build the ultimate army using the worlds resources.

Battle: Overcoming other players, obtaining and collecting new cards, and finding the right people to align with.

Self-Revelation: The enjoyment in the game comes from the play style of each individual. Those whom play the game will either play to collect the cards, or dominate the competition, and this is where the thrill is located.

New Equilibrium: Become the ultimate collector, or the top conqueror at the end of your own personal quest.

Single Player:

This game will be mainly a multiplayer front, however the single player is also very strong. The main focus will be around a multiplayer format, but individual players will get heavy functionality in deck control, story mode, collection/library exploration, card purchasing, and map exploration. In the multiplayer setting, the individual players may also have impacts, and treaties within lands, as it sometimes takes one strong leader to lead a campaign.


This game is heavily multiplayer as most of the elements are created by the real world interactions, digital landscapes, and a competitive scene. It s heavily dependent on players creating alliances, factions, and treaties to take down the opposition, to with control the land, or defend it.

DLC Plans:

The DLC functionality of this game is heavily influenced by trading card game expansions. The content of the DLC will be free for anyone to view, trade and play against through gameplay, and overal season rewards. The easiest and best way to obtain the expansion cards would be purchasing packs like a real card game, giving the power to the players. Future DLC plans include: Sci-Fi Expansion, Mid-Evil Expansion, Fairy Tale Expansion, and more to come.

Hours of Game Play Indended:

The intended hours of gameplay is based off of the style of player. If a player is oriented toward the card game itself, they may just participate in battles and duels leaving them with light hours of gameplay. Meanwhile you may have control freak players, these are the types of players that spend atleast an hour a day, maintaining their defenses, and overtaking others.

Victory Condition:

At the end of every season, either meeting real world seasons or expansions that are released every three months, the alliances that have the most land/up keeps will obtain in game credits, cards, and much more. Depending on the player base and the functionality of the game, it is possible to include cash prizes based on a pay in feature, that’s similar to a tournament style.

Inspirational sources:

The Story Universe of Magic: The Gathering Is Expanding | WIRED
Civilization 6 on iPhone review: A near-perfect port - Polygon
WS Game Company – Risk 60th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

1 thought on “Task 7 – David Lavoie”

  1. This is a fine review of a current game, so useful; can you redo this focusing on your won game idea and add the Game Design Document question (ie the answers) and I can give you a grade.

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