- Players(single/multi)?
- The game should be completable in a single-player configuration, using both friendly and foe NPCs.
- The story should still be rich in a multiplayer environment (collaborative gameplay)
- Players can cooperate, battle, or betray each other within the game world.
- Gameplay within multiplayer must be balanced to prevent griefing (zone locking/ discouragement/ negative reinforcement).
- DLC?
- Downloadable expansions should expand the game world through new community events, new areas, and new objectives.
- DLC that advances the story should be free and available for all users (BFV model)
- DLC that involves a shortcut for content generally available through progress should be paid
- Paid DLC should not present an unfair advantage, and should generally serve as aesthetic customization, or novel features.
- Time commitment
- Multiplayer rounds should be continuous (sever side)
- Single or collaborative campaign should be a few dozen hours long, with opportunity to replay with a new outcome.
- Victory conditions?
- Absolute victory on the server-scale is possible but is a very long and difficult process.
- Not every ending is a victory for the player’s faction.
- Not every ending is a happy ending, ie: the rebellion succeeds, but at what cost?
- End-game conditions include total control of the map’s major positions, depletion of resources, peaceful resolution, or armistice.
Game Story:
The player takes the role of one of three major factions within a large scale, near future civil war. The player uses teamwork and creativity to control resources and land, in order to gain an advantage in the conflict. Scavengers are caught in the middle of the war, their story revolves around their venture out of the wastes to unite settlements, locate much needed resources, and build up and defend their communities. Guerrillas are fighting a war of independence, their stories include the struggles of a divided and multi-faction group seeking unity in order to build up a substantial army with the hopes of breaking away from the ruling party. The standing army faction follows the story of a small group of troopers, pulled from the comfort of their cities and homes, in order to reinstate order and control over the games many regions. There is no “good” or “bad” faction, and each story aims to provide a personal look into the goals and motivations of these competing factions, as the struggle to secure a better future for themselves and their communities.
Arma 3- Squad based communication and maneuvering, where the total force of a faction is greater than the sum of it’s independent parts.
Fallout 4- Rich crafting and settlement building features, many opportunities to replay with a new outcome

Escape from Tarkov- High tension resource gathering gameplay, customization, rougelike gameplay
Civilization- Global scale unit control, many different avenues for victory, unpredictable, player-story rich gameplay.

Battlefield 1/V (War stories)- Deeply personal insights into global conflict, showcasing a variety of perspectives, demonstrating the emotional drive behind story progression.