Video game design document

Summary of Game

In a dystopian world, a character that drives get-way cars containing a popular recreational hallucinogenic drug for the biggest crime lord wants to become that crime lord.


In a dystopian world, a character that drives get-way cars containing a popular recreational hallucinogenic drug for the biggest crime lord wants out.

Game Details

What is the purpose of the game?

The purpose is to allow the player to form a plan of action curated by both the embedded story and the emergent story with consequences that are clear.

What makes this game different from competing games?

Not only will the main character have to determine outcome driven by desire; the main player will experiment with the hallucinogenic drug.  This creates alternate worlds in which the hallucinations may be mistaken for reality and vice-versa.

What is the story setting?

Set in a high-tech, luxurious Dystopian world of the future,  demographically and psychographically polyphonous in which the gap between the wealthy and the impoverished is extreme. Crime is rampant as people struggle to find ways to survive

What/who will the player control?

The player will make choices that determine later events in furtherance of the narrative and gameplay premise.

What is the main objective of the game?

 The main player must balance intrinsic and extrinsic goals against the challenges of delivering hallucinogenic drugs for a crime lord.  The main character must develop his/her full potential, control of action, expose vulnerabilities of crime organization, and weaken the crime lord/organization.

 Single Player?

The game will be a single player game.

Are you planning on DLC?

Yes, the DLC will include expansion packs for car upgrades and accessorizing, upgraded weaponry, and more accessories for character customization.

How many hours of gameplay do you anticipate?

The gameplay is anticipated at around 25-30 hours in order to complete the main narrative. Trajectories include side quests and side stories, especially when reality is questioned as a result of a drug-induced state.

What is your games victory conditions?

The main player must avoid getting captured or killed, must deliver the drug without being compromised; must get his enemies to abandon their strategy; must manage reality/delusion; and must explore unknown routes to outwit enemies.

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