Chapter 1: Oh My God Why Is It So Cold Seriously though.
Wow, it’s so cold, haha!
Noooooo thank you, you know what I mean? I don’t need this – I’m thinking maybe summer could stay for a while longer, haha!
Chapter 2: I Might Be Getting Used To It I'm still freezing, but it's getting better.
Day 36.
The snow yet remains, as far as the eye can see. I believe I’ve forgotten what warmth feels like, but I’ve begun to grow accustomed to my new frigid existence.
There is power in this cold- it’s up to me to wield it.
Chapter 3: I Have Mastered The Cold It bends to my will like wheat to the sickle.
Day 392.
Civilization has crumbled around me, but I yet remain. They fought the cold- but I mastered it. They sought to combat it, but I accepted it into my being and my form.
The cold and I are one.
The cold is all that remains.