How to use Ganttproject

Youtube Tutorial

To create a task:

  • Double-click in left column, or click the big blue arrow icon at top.
  •  Type the name of the task.
  • Adjust the dates by dragging the ends of the blue bar at right (tricky) or by clicking on the Begin and End date.
  •  You can always adjust a task’s properties by double-clicking on its blue bar at right or clicking the green rectangle-with-pushpin icon at top.

To group tasks together:

  •  Create an overall task at the top of a list of similar tasks.
  •  Indent the sub-tasks by hitting the tab key while selecting them.

To create a milestone:

  •  Create a task as you would normally, then open the properties dialog box and check “Milestone”.

To show dependencies (when one task must be completed for another to begin):

  •  Click and drag from the end of one bar to the beginning of another to draw an arrow connecting them. Warning: may change the position of your bars in unexpected ways!

To show progress:

  •  Hover over the beginning of a bar until the cursor turns to a percent sign, then drag from left to right to indicate percent completed. Note that the bar will disappear on weekends–I guess that’s to guarantee you get some R&R!
  • *Set today as a red line by checking the box under Edit > Settings > Gantt Chart.