As part of your capstone requirement, and to prepare you for internships, grants, jobs, you will keep a portfolio with all of you best work, and in addition a record of your ongoing assignment snapshot progress on your capstone. If you are using wordpress, use posts (not pages) with category “capstone”which will allow you to show all of your work, as well as hiding all of it when you are done and just want to show your portfolio pieces.
In addition to your portfolio, and while getting your own site set up, you will be posting your homework on the class website, under category “homework” plus any other specific category for that assignment. Your post will show up if your name is selected in the “Author”s” list on the right side of the page. This will also help everyone keep track of posted assignments.
If you do not yet have your own server to host your site, or a domain name, I recommend you migrate your current wordpress portfolio site, and then re-organize the categories so you can “bury” your earlier work, showcase your bests projects in a portfolio/gallery of some kind, and also have a place to keep your capstone assignments as described above. If all of your posts have relevant categories and tags this is very simple and quick to do. Instructions are below for getting your own site.
WordPress setup sites:
1)Getting Bluehost hosting/domain name:
2)Moving from a multisite with a URL that looks like this: nmdportfolios.org/yourname :
3)Starting a new WordPress site
4) Moving your site from a wordpress.com site (if you site has “wordpres.com” in the URL
Using FTP to access wordpress files and/or your other data:
I cannot afford my own domain at the moment, or possibly even this semester due to personal financial strains. I’ll make sure it’s off the New Media server before I graduate, but for now it has to stay on nmdportfolios.org.
ok, got it!