Animation is an art that has been revered by those of all ages ever since it’s major company debut in 1937 with Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. As the years have gone by, the art of animation in the west has morphed from 2D animation to 3D animation. Disney hasn’t created a feature length 2D animated film since 2009, which was ten years ago now.
Problem/Reason Why:
As western animation continues along an uninspired path, a stigma within the general populous is beginning to grow. This is one that animation is childish, and can’t really be seen as a serious medium for storytelling. Between the general ugly style most modern ‘adult’ cartoons have, and their material generally being over the top offensive comedy, it’s not a surprise the west has a poor view of the craft.
Nature/Significance of project:
There is a major art form, and medium of storytelling that’s dying out in the west, yet not many people seem to be distressed by this. Animation, and more specifically 2D animation is being forgotten, or seen as a tool for very basic shows that don’t tend to have much artistry put into them. It’s almost seen as a fast-food of media, which is rather disrespectful to an entire medium.
I wish to prove to not let this come to pass, and begin my journey of animated story-telling to prove to the western population that animation is a fantastic medium that can be used for dramatic, and emotional storytelling.
Questions I’m considering:
What style am I going to animate in? A cleaner style? A sketchy style? Do I want to go for details stills and dramatic camera angles? Do I want a more dynamic animation but less detail?
Am I going to write my own short story? Am I going to look around online for one I can animate? Do I want to be more action or more drama focussed?
Where am I going to find voice talent and music? Will I have to buy a music license? Will I have to hire Voice Actors? Where will I find these folk?
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