
Historically, the default Web host for NMD students is NMDProjects.net, hosted by DreamHost. NMDProjects requires an FTP client such as Cyberduck to upload files and folders, and you’ll need to ask your instructor to take administrator-level actions like installing new server software. nmdprojects.net is a full-fledged hosting service with many features, and you can map your own domain name onto the account your instructor created for you. But your best best is to get your own account now that you are a junior or  senior.


If your portfolio is at a URL that looks like this, you have a wordpress site that is part of Gene’s Multisite. It lives on his personal sever, and it’s getting crowded, so it may be a courtesy to get your own domain soon.


If your portfolio has this anywhere in the URL, then you have a free wordpress.com site.  This means you don’t actually have your own domain, or your own server/host, but are using wordpress.com .  If you have a server/host, you can also use wordpress for free, you just have to install the software by “One-click” or by FTP.  This is usually called “wordpress.org” vs .com



If you already have your own Web host and/or domain, you’re good to go. Just make sure it supports everything you’ll need for your project, such as blogging or server-side scripting. If you do not yet have an account, it’s time to get one for your own professional portfolio. And so that you leave with your own data on your own host/server.

Prepare your computer

Make sure you have taken all the steps listed in this link:

How to prepare your computer for Web projects

That screencast will tell you how to get a code editor, FTP client, and other steps necessary to making Web projects.  Cyberduck is a common free FTP client.


Get your own domain name

Think up several possible domains (many will already be taken) and visit a domain registrar to pay for a domain. Bluehost is a popular and inexpensive server/host company with great deals for students and fist time users.

Tips: A standard domain shouldn’t cost you much more than $10 per year. Dot-com is the most common and memorable, followed by dot-org and dot-net. If your domain is taken, try adding prefixes like “the” or suffixes like “project” or “magazine.” If possible, don’t abbreviate or make obscure references or spelling; your domain should be something people can remember just from having it spoken to them.

Need your own database?

If you need to have a custom database for you website or application, ask your instructor to make a MySQL database for you and give you a login and password. Afterward you can access the database via a Web interface called phpMyAdmin (which should really be called MySQLAdmin, because you use it to make and manage databases written in MySQL). You don’t need to download or install phpMyAdmin; just type something like mysql.maryjones.nmdprojects.net into your browser.

One-click installs

DreamHost (the dept servers), and BlueHost both makes it easy for your instructor to install any of the following open-source software on your server. Ask for what you need, then once the package/s are installed you should receive email explaining how to complete the installation. Below is the Once-click Install page for Dreamhost.

Dreamhost Software 2011 02 1
Dreamhost Software 2011 02 2


“I get a DNS Error: Connection failed”

Use the right domain name

When entering the “server” in your FTP software, try using your own domain (like “marygonzales.NMDprojects.net” rather than the DreamHost name (like “berbils.DreamHost.com” or “berbils.DreamHost.com“).

“I uploaded my files but can’t see them in my browser”

Upload to the right place

Cyberduck Server View 1Your FTP client will start you off at a level above the public Web files by default. This is for security’s sake, so you can keep sensitive files like mail and logs in a place that you don’t want your Web site visitors to see.

So make sure you upload all files you want the public to see into the folder named for your own domain.

“I get a ‘Forbidden’ message when I try to see my files in a browser!”



“An image just won’t appear even though I uploaded it to the right place”

Cyberduck Server View 3Cyberduck Server View 2If you get a 403 Forbidden message when you try to view your uploaded files in a Web browser, check your file permissions in your FTP client.

To do this in Cyberduck, Ctrl-click on the file name and choose Get Info. Under Permissions, make sure that Others (ie, ordinary visitors to your Web site) can Read but not Write.

“I get a weird host key error when I try to FTP to NMDprojects.net”

Host key

If you get an “Unknown host key” error when trying to connect to your Web host with an FTP client like Cyberduck, just click “Allow” or whatever to make it go away. You can still get into the site if your username and password are correct.