Planting with Teens

Clara, Ryan and Rowan sweated, sucked and planted their own seeds into this herb spiral.

Skeptical gardeners, they felt a bit uncomfortable with seeds in their mouths.

“Felt like caterpillars,” Clara said of the calendula seeds under her tongue.

Ryan opted out of the edible medicines category and choose Zinnias for their visual beauty–another kind of medicine I hadn’t thought of earlier.

“A mouth wants to swallow” said Rowan who mentioned it was hard to just keep those Lemon Basil seeds in her mouth for nine minutes.

When I suggested they could do what nature often does with seeds: swallow them and deposit them on the ground 18 hrs later coated in manure, they unanimously walked off, having already deposited their seeds by hand into the herb spiral.

They each colored wooden sticks to mark where they planted their medicines. We’ll see if the medicines survive the fall, winter and spring! A good mulch should help.

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