Author: Alej Pride
User Testing
1. IDENTIFY YOUR AUDIENCE a) Your capstone’s ideal target audience, and My ideal target audience would be children and young adults who are visually impaired, low vision or blind. b) The users you have access to who is closest to that audience. Which people/folders/organizations are […]
Milestone One Presentation Final Version
CUGR Revisions ALEJ PRIDE’S CUGR GRANT REVISED DRAFT — ABSTRACT Can we bring fun, joy, and connection with friends through the use of an accessibility tool to fight discrimination and stigmas? When people typically see an accessibility device they may back off due to […]
Milestone One Presentation
CUGR Budget
Capstone Budget – Sheet1
CUGR Proposal Draft
draft – budget –
Preliminary Research #preliminaryresearcfh #alejpride #allisonpriole VALUES Can we bring fun, joy and connection with friends through the use of an accessibility tool to fight discrimination and stigmas? When people typically see an accessibility device they may back off due to worry or fear. They may have […]
Design Guide Check
DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT BRIEFLY 1. PROJECT: My project is a redesigned cane for accessibility. The primary audience is visually challenged, children. 2. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): To create child-friendly accessibility devices. Devices that are fun to use, look cool and still keep […]