Design Guide

Protected: Design Guide – Taylor Pullen

Protected: Design Guide – Taylor Pullen

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Design Guide

Design Guide

1. PROJECT: ‘DocuTape’ A combination of the creative process of creating a mix tape as the eyes of a documentary film maker. 2. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): We want the community to have an enhanced curriculum surrounding the process of audio production. 3. […]

Protected: PeteB- Design Guide

Protected: PeteB- Design Guide

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Design Guide – AustinT

Design Guide – AustinT

Austin Thibeau NMD 498 Design Guide The basic concept of this idea comes from a few of my passions, first of all my love for food and style publication has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in elementary school. My study in […]

Design Guide – CamB

Design Guide – CamB

1. PROJECT: ‘DOCUTAPE’ A ‘ docutape’ which is a documentary on the process of making a beat tape; it’s the same thing as an artist releasing an album, but instead it’s just beats and doesn’t have any audio over it. The documentary will have the […]

Humane Design Guide Nick B-G

Humane Design Guide Nick B-G

1. Project: I am going to create an application that connects the public with Latino cuisine. The app will have a GPS section that shows the user where Latino restaurants are within their vicinity. The user will also be able to leave a review and […]

RyanL – Design Guide Check

RyanL – Design Guide Check

1. PROJECT: For my New Media Capstone, I want to create an app called “JoyRyde”. This app is going to allow people who go on drives to blow off steam, de-stress, or smoke in the amount of time they choose, with whatever scenery they prefer. […]

Design Guide Check – AustinM

Design Guide Check – AustinM

1. PROJECT: Product Tag My Project is a different way of viewing advertisements on social media platforms. Essentially it is a machine learning system that detects previously selected products in a picture and allows users to visit the location where that item is sold through […]

Design Guide Check

Design Guide Check

DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT BRIEFLY 1. PROJECT: My project is a redesigned cane for accessibility. The primary audience is visually challenged, children.  2. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): To create child-friendly accessibility devices. Devices that are fun to use, look cool and still keep […]