
Final Capstone

Final Capstone

Final presentations are revised polished versions of Milestone 6 (see my feedback to you in Slack) 10 minutes max Your main focus, and most of your presentation time,  should be a  DEMO of your project–as you would do on capstone night. Milestone 6 Google slide templates was […]

Milestone 6

Milestone 6

For Milestone 6,  imagine you are helping a smart but non-technical stranger understand and appreciate your work. Assume no prior knowledge.  I’d like you to focus on the following, though any of these items can be brief, most are critical for a deep understanding of […]

CUGR Proposal

CUGR Proposal


Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research

VALUES I want to create a device that allows K-12 students to experience an essential aspect of animation, the keyframe. Students aren’t exposed to the concept of keyframes unless they take a specialized class, and I want to create an easy to use device that […]

Design Guide Check

Design Guide Check

DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT BRIEFLY PROJECT: My project is a tactile, interactive medium for animating a humanoid digitally. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): To give users an opportunity to animate without having prior knowledge about animation To develop a user-friendly interface To inspire users […]

CUGR Proposal Draft

CUGR Proposal Draft

FIRST DRAFT Version 1.5 ABSTRACT I want to create a device that allows K-12 students to experience an essential aspect of animation, the keyframe. Students aren’t exposed to the concept of keyframes unless they take a specialized class, and I want to create an easy […]

Preliminary Research – JackL

Preliminary Research – JackL

NMD Capstone Preliminary Research 9/17/19 Jack Lampinen VALUES Review your notes from Humane Tech and the Design Guide.  Consider how your project addresses the concerns and values expressed by the design guide. Is there a way your project could support an even better quality of […]

First Pitch – JackL

First Pitch – JackL

I would like to attempt to better the immersive properties of VR by trying to remove the sense of boundaries around the user’s movement. If I can trick them into thinking that they have unlimited space to move, then they will lose more sensitivity of […]

Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research

https://docs.google.com/document/d/11V6hOhj5yWmuzv_76SChXOAwfabQAK1h6fSPlyLsAhk/edit?usp=sharing #preliminaryresearcfh #alejpride #allisonpriole VALUES Can we bring fun, joy and connection with friends through the use of an accessibility tool to fight discrimination and stigmas? When people typically see an accessibility device they may back off due to worry or fear. They may have […]



Gathering and presenting feedback Choosing a sample Random Best for performances, installations, and other face-to-face live events. Accost visitors with a clipboard and pen. Hand-picked Best for early tests of an online project. Actively try to get a representative sample. Create occasions for testing, eg […]