Ecotone: We Make Spirits & Children

Ceremony: We make Spirits & Children Listen to land Hear spirits Make music Sing songs to land Then farm land for food  Feed women and children Tambaran music “cult” of Papua New Guinea creates temples & music –to Western eyes…But if you ask them… This is an art/culture/life practice that integrates production & reproduction; generation & regeneration;  This has been lost to our culture; and as a result our art practices and creativity have been severed from sources of life… How do we reconnect them?  How to we bring art from gallery space to the maternal hearth?  From a commodity investment in a capitalist system  to nourishment for beings in the web of life?  
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Interactive performance among 20 artists and natural reversing fall in Sheepscot Maine exploring ways to re-connect to living networks in our local bioregion.
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Healing Seeds

Nurture plants in ways to create specific, personalized healing.
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Long history of activist involvement in Women's sports beginning with running on boy's track team in 1971, US Rowing team 1981, Ski and Rowing Coach 2021.
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Plotting Against Oedipus

Dissertation examining non-Oedipal lots as a way to disrupt and find alternatives to patriarchal narrative structures. Explored healing of "hysterical bodies" via storytelling.
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Request For Ceremony

Gratitude Our whole way of Life is one continuous Song, one continuous Ceremony. The way we move is a dance. Ceremony is Life itself. It is the way we do things. Ceremony, to us, is the daily Life; everything we do, everything we think about is all part of that same expression…and we are thankful for it. –gkisedtanamoogk, Wampanoag Colonization All humans are, or have been, indigenous to a given place at one time. Colonization is the process of civilizing indigenous people. To civilize means to break kinship bonds between people, and to sever their ties to the land and all of its beings; To civilize is to break natural networks of interdependence and replace them with violent hierarchies of control in order to centralize power and wealth. Ceremony Request for Ceremony elicits, distributes, and records some examples of Ceremony generated by people attempting to practice or re-activate their kinship with the Beings of Creation, and to remember or reconnect to their Home. Each entry in Request for Ceremony includes a greeting which locates the contributor (character) and their relation to those already part of the local mesh (contact), as well as a description of the ceremony, location with map, […]
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First Hart

Creativity hidden in plain sight
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