First Pitch

First Pitch -AustinT

First Pitch -AustinT

Bon Appetit’s Augmented Reality Cookbook   The basic concept of this idea comes from a few of my passions, first of all, my love for food and style publication has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in elementary school. My study in […]

First Pitch

First Pitch

Cam Bilodeau and I want to create what we call a ‘DocuTape.’ This is a mix tape combined with a documentary. The video aspect will include myself and Austin as we go through creating beats, finding sounds, and discovering/producing new music. To help the community […]

Capstone Presentation Nick B-G

Capstone Presentation Nick B-G   what i was prepared to say is in the speaker notes on the slides

First Pitch – IanH

First Pitch – IanH

Here is the link to the presentation I gave to the class. This should explain all of the basics of my idea.

First Pitch-Allison

First Pitch-Allison

First Pitch in Google Slides #firstpitch 

First pitch idea

First pitch idea

Jessica Commeau FirstPitch ^^ up above is the power point presentation for download

MatthewM – First Pitch

MatthewM – First Pitch

So My presentation for my cap stone project was to build/make a website for Local breweries. I would create this website for people can find new beers that thy can try and learn more about beer and how every place makes their own types of […]

Protected: PeteB – First Pitch

Protected: PeteB – First Pitch

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.



My capstone idea is in collaboration with Mac Tregakis, and we’re calling it a “docutape”. Our plan has two parts to it. One being a beat tape from Mac, which is the same thing as an artist coming out with an album with anywhere between […]

AndrewG – First Pitch

AndrewG – First Pitch

I want to create a humanoid mannequin that can be moved into any realistic position, and be able to take the precise movements in the joints of the mannequin and translate them into a character on a screen. From that point, I want the user […]

AustinM – First Pitch

AustinM – First Pitch

For my Capstone I want to take a look at the problem of unwanted advertisements on social media sites. At first I wanted to just block all of the ads for people on their social media platforms but after the small class discussion on Monday […]

TannerM – First Pitch

TannerM – First Pitch

For my NMD Capstone I plan to create an animation of some sort, either a pilot episode to a TV show or just an animated short, that will have a big focus on music. Down below is a link to a video that sets up […]

RyanL – NMD Capstone

RyanL – NMD Capstone

Ryan Libbey NMD 498 9-2-2019 Presentation For my New Media Capstone, I want to create an app called “JoyRyde”. This app is going to allow people who go on drives to blow off steam, de-stress, or smoke in the amount of time they choose, with […]