Task 12 – Autumn Chapman
Client Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 28th @ 2pm Client Site URL Trello URL Portfolio URL all current projects are included in my portfolio but as it being my second semester at UMO there are still many more to come.
Client Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 28th @ 2pm Client Site URL Trello URL Portfolio URL all current projects are included in my portfolio but as it being my second semester at UMO there are still many more to come.
Codepen for Task 11 Trello URL Portfolio URL Client site URL
Codepen for Task 9 Portfolio Url Trello Url Client Sitemap Url Client Site Url
Task 8 Codepen portfolio url trello url article our clients sent to help model the site
my codepen for task 6 my starter template portfolio page
Client Site: Meeting Date: May 4th Deliverables: Portfolio:
Client Site Katie, Violet, and I last met with Katherine on April 29. We discussed adding a footer that includes hours, address, phone, and email, which we did. We decided to send her a WordPress tutorial so that she could look back on it when her or Marie go to edit the website in the … Read more
Team Trello Client Sample Page Personal Portfolio
Team Trello Below: https://trello.com/b/sQ2gLKi0/website-progress Codepen Link Below:
Here is my Codepen: Here is my Portfolio, I have a best work page with a menu of the different categories of the media from my classes so far.Here is the Site Map for our team: Here is my client site URL, all designing done on my client site happened this week. Mine is one … Read more
Here is my Codepen page: Here is my website, you can see I added a best work page, with all the different categories that contain each post: Here is my client site. It is not the main page we are using for the final website but the three of us are each making our own … Read more
Here is my portfolio Photos page: Here is my Codepen using quotes and the color picker: Here is our team Trello. At the point of Task 7 we had met with our clients and were learning what the Maine Wild Blueberry Museum was all about, as well as figuring out the clients stylistic preference and … Read more
Tentative Client URL Portfolio URL Trello URL CodePen URL
Added ‘about me’, ‘home’, and ‘my work’ (blog pages). Created categories for ‘photography’, ‘creative writing’, ‘digital art’, and ‘vector art’.
Here is the Codepen Added a Contact Page Added a “My Work” Drop Down Menu on Homepage
Codepen Page My Homepage My About Me Page
Codepen Link Portfolio Website
Link to code pen: https://codepen.io/Colinwd3/pen/jOVWjBq My Dream host name colinweed.com https://www.colinweed.com/
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