NMD 340 Personal Portfolios & Client Sites

Websites With WordPress

Use WordPress to create stunning portfolios and develop client sites

Course Deadlines

Portfolio due Fri Mar 10
Final Portfolio due Fri Apr 22
Client site due Fri Apr 25
Final Client Meetings Apr 25-28
N0 final Exam

Slack: nmd340-2022


Web Design for personal and community goals

Work with real-world clients to create Web pages or apps with compelling designs and interactive features. Review basic graphic design, HTML, CSS, simple PHP and web architecture tools like WordPress to expand your skills. Learn critical skills for collaboration, negotiation and team work, and apply these to tell a digital story that represents community or client values. Apply the same skills of designing, coding and networking to produce a professional portfolio. Prerequisites: New Media Majors or permission. Credits: 3

Creating a Portfolio

Show off all of your New Media, Art, and Business skills in your portfolio.  Use course projects to develop more portfolio work. Don’t wait until you leave school to showcase your work, or find good portfolio projects. 

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.."
Albert Einstein
"Dream. Seriously. Don't betray your dreams for the sake of fitting in. Dreaming is one of humanities greatest gifts. It champions aspiration, spurs innovation, leads to change, and propels the world forward. Dream big!"
Richard Branson

Working with Clients

Working with clients will help you establish good communication and people skills, grow your network, get the word out about the need to hire New Media grads, and give you a taste of possible future internships and employment.  You may also want to consider clients in your own community to add to our class list. 


Below are some tools you will use to create websites

Web Hosting

Web hosting allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the Internet via special computers called servers. Hosting also allows FTP connection to the servers via clients or cPanels


HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages. This language describes the structure of the web page.

CSS defines style and position choices for your web content. 


WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. Beautiful designs via themes, powerful features via plug ins, and the freedom to build anything you want.

Elementor / Generate Press

We will be using the combination of the Generate Press theme, and Elementor page builder, which allows us to design sites without code. Both have free and Pro (paid) versions with additional features.

Develop real working relationships while you finish your degree

When you graduate, you will have both a portfolio to show off your New Media skills as well as real working relationships with clients, thus beginning your work networks.

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