Portfolio: https://www.jillybeantompkins.com/portfolio/ Template: https://www.jillybeantompkins.com/wbbtemplate/ I tried.
Portfolio: https://www.jillybeantompkins.com/portfolio/ Template: https://www.jillybeantompkins.com/wbbtemplate/ I tried.
My Portfolio
Christiana Mosca (chrmos20.dreamhosters.com)
Here is my portfolio URL: http://www.abbidowner.com/portfolio/ I am still working on the codepen for this task, and I will revise this task as soon as I get that done! I just wanted to make sure I got you the URL to my portfolio.
Portfolio: Home Page
https://codepen.io/Parker-King/pen/jOaMQQx list talked about in class Client current website – https://wescosgus.com/?page_id=14 http://www.parker-maes.com/portfolio/ This is the same thing just a different link- http://www.parker-maes.com/
PORTFOLIO URL: kearsonsutton.com Codepen: https://codepen.io/kearsonsutton/pen/PoEmXoj
Portfolio- http://www.emilyhclarke.com/portfolio/ Still working on reuploading my data that didnt transfer over from local Making some changes on how I have things grouped together
Codepen: Portfolio link: http://www.carlyartist.online/myportfolio/about-2/ Client:
Codepen: (P.S. I’m pretty certain that the iframe is written correctly but I don’t believe YouTube allows me to embed their website into code pen because of security purposes.) Client Task list: Decide on a template (Team) Pick Global colors and fonts (Team) Write up some paragraphs for the homepage (Michael) Find some blueberry Images … Read more
Code Pen Image: Code Pen URL: Others: All of the other task assignments aren’t in here because I am stuck with my hosting, my group wasn’t present last class and since we missed one I got all messed up so I have many questions. Portfolio URL: https://www.griffinlord.art/portfolio/
Portfolio: hadleyrose.me/portfolio Client: Menu: Tasks: Work on Home page, Info page, Learn page (Entire team – By April 10th) URL: https://Facebook.com/GrayBlueberryFestival/ https://www.graymaine.org/blueberry-festival-committee Codepen:
https://codepen.io/NPoulin/pen/QWOKxzG We have to coordinate a time to do the site migration from the previous class for our client. Her wishes are to have a replica of the museum which scares the hell out of us, pretty much a 1:1 scale is her desired outcome. Wild Blueberry Land http://www.nickpoulin.com/portfolio/ <———- IT WORKS!!!!
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