Task 3-Parker King

https://codepen.io/Parker-King/pen/jOaMQQx  add site/URL to your post on Monday. Added after Joline’s comments- You can see that the hello theme is active – Here is my header- the font is in white so its hard to see but you can see it at the top! Here is my footer – again in white font Global fonts/colors- … Read more

Task 3 – Nick Poulin

https://codepen.io/NPoulin/pen/QWOKxzG I wanted to place the image to the open space on the right but was not sure how Header: http://nickpoulinportfoliolocal.local/wp-admin/post.php?post=236&action=elementor Footer: http://nickpoulinportfoliolocal.local/wp-admin/post.php?post=278&action=elementor Icon is in the top right of the website but also here

Task 3 – JacobH

I just wanted to put out there that I’m having so much fun putting together my website HAHA. CodePen Website Example! Jake Hotaling – Website About Me Page (Too large for a screenshot!) Client Site!