Task 2

Task 2

  1. Review W3S Editors, W3S CSS Intro, W3S CSS Syntax.
  2. Quiz 2
  3. Create a Codepen Account, and create first HTML page with text, image, and with at least 2 CSS declarations:  eg body background color, font-style, font color, alignment. Remember you can get code from a WordPress post for the image.
  4. Download and install Local
  5. Install WordPress in Local (plus button or “New Website)
  6. Add Elementor plugin, and  Hello Theme.
  7. Check to see if your name is available as a domain name at dreeamhost.com (do not buy–we will do this for free when we sign up for dreamhost.com hosting.)


  1. Subject: Task 2-yourname
  2. Category: Task 2 (Do not use “Task” which is reserved for my assignment instructions)
  3. Screenshot of your Portfolio home page (your website is local so it’s only visible on your computer)
  4. Codepen image & URL