Task 2
- Review W3S Editors, W3S CSS Intro, W3S CSS Syntax.
- Quiz 2
- Create a Codepen Account, and create first HTML page with text, image, and with at least 2 CSS declarations: eg body background color, font-style, font color, alignment. Remember you can get code from a WordPress post for the image.
- Download and install Local
- Install WordPress in Local (plus button or “New Website)
- Add Elementor plugin, and Hello Theme.
- Check to see if your name is available as a domain name at dreeamhost.com (do not buy–we will do this for free when we sign up for dreamhost.com hosting.)
- Subject: Task 2-yourname
- Category: Task 2 (Do not use “Task” which is reserved for my assignment instructions)
- Screenshot of your Portfolio home page (your website is local so it’s only visible on your computer)
- Codepen image & URL