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Final Capstone

Final Capstone

Final presentations are revised polished versions of Milestone 6 (see my feedback to you in Slack) 10 minutes max Your main focus, and most of your presentation time,  should be a  DEMO of your project–as you would do on capstone night. Milestone 6 Google slide templates was […]

Milestone 6 – RyanL

Milestone 6 – RyanL

What is the  “story of my project”?  This includes: who am I in relation to this project and how/why is that important?  eg. If I’m an amateur brewer, with an interest in local ingredients and markets, that might explain my project about local brews I am a […]



For video (5 & 1 minute) Remember that the video will be seen by many people who don’t know you or your project.  How would you describe yourself and your project to a smart but recent New Media students?  Use cues from Milestone 6 to […]



For Social Media Poster(s) Illustrator or Photoshop will give you more tools; Adobe Spark will help you create a quick poster, and export the same layout in different social media formats (like FB banner, Instagram image etc): Adobe Spark Post: Poster should have Background […]

Milestone 6

Milestone 6

For Milestone 6,  imagine you are helping a smart but non-technical stranger understand and appreciate your work. Assume no prior knowledge.  I’d like you to focus on the following, though any of these items can be brief, most are critical for a deep understanding of […]

Milestone 6

Milestone 6

For Milestone 6,  imagine you are helping a smart but non-technical stranger understand and appreciate your work. Assume no prior knowledge.  I’d like you to focus on the following, though any of these items can be brief, most are critical for a deep understanding of […]

User Testing

User Testing

1. IDENTIFY YOUR AUDIENCE a) Your capstone’s ideal target audience, and My ideal target audience would be children and young adults who are visually impaired, low vision or blind. b) The users you have access to who is closest to that audience. Which people/folders/organizations are […]

User Testing & Feedback

User Testing & Feedback

1. Identify your audience Describe: a) Your capstone’s ideal target audience, and b) The users you have access to who are closest to that audience. Which people/folders/organizations are you soliciting? Give names 2. Deployment options Online Performance Installation Immersive marketing Essay 3. Feedback & Promotion options […]

Gantt chart

Gantt chart

Here is the current Gantt chart for my project. I feel as though it could be improved but I’m not sure how to make it more specific.

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart

CUGR Proposal – Tanner M

CUGR Proposal – Tanner M

Abstract My animation short will tell the story of the three noble heroes on a quest for survival and closure. The animated short will be approximately five minutes long. I will be using the Adobe suite products and Clip Studio to create my animation. Project […]

RyanL – CUGR Proposal

RyanL – CUGR Proposal

TEMPLATE FOR FIRST DRAFT ABSTRACT I am going to make a website for college students to help them afford food during college, all while improving their mental and physical health. THE PROBLEM The problem with college is that students need to pay for their food, […]

Post ID: 4284

Jessica Commeau October 27th 2019 Joline What would you do with the freedom to create ? Eye Glass a Unity application which uses virtual reality. The application would allow users to construct environments around them. Allowing the person to create 3d objects using their hands(VR […]

Milestone One Presentation Final Version

Milestone One Presentation Final Version

CUGR Revisions

CUGR Revisions   ALEJ PRIDE’S CUGR GRANT REVISED DRAFT  —   ABSTRACT Can we bring fun, joy, and connection with friends through the use of an accessibility tool to fight discrimination and stigmas? When people typically see an accessibility device they may back off due to […]

Milestone One  Presentation

Milestone One Presentation

Protected: Taylor Pullen CUGR Proposal Draft

Protected: Taylor Pullen CUGR Proposal Draft

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

CUGR Proposal

CUGR Proposal

CUGR Budget

CUGR Budget

Capstone Budget – Sheet1

Proposal Revision 2 – IanH

Proposal Revision 2 – IanH

Ian Haddow Reintroducing Animation in the West   Abstract   Throughout the years, western 2D animation has changed dramatically, and is straying more and more towards both crude humor, and artwork. This has caused a stigma to form about the art of animation within the […]

Proposal Revision – IanH

Proposal Revision – IanH

Ian Haddow Reintroducing Animation in the West   Abstract   Throughout the years, western 2D animation has been straying more and more towards both crude humor, and artwork. This has been causing a stigma to form about the art of animation within the west, which […]

CUGR Final Proposal

CUGR Final Proposal

ABSTRACT I want to create a device that allows K-12 students to experience an essential aspect of animation, the keyframe. A keyframe is a location on a digital timeline that stores transitional information, and the space between two keyframes is interpolated over time to create […]



TEMPLATE FOR FIRST DRAFT ABSTRACT Summarize what you intend to accomplish as concisely as possible. Be sure to indicate somehow how this relates to your values as clarified in your Design Guide Check. My project is a ‘docutape’ with Mac Tragakis. We want to create […]

Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research

VALUES I want to create a device that allows K-12 students to experience an essential aspect of animation, the keyframe. Students aren’t exposed to the concept of keyframes unless they take a specialized class, and I want to create an easy to use device that […]

Design Guide Check

Design Guide Check

DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT BRIEFLY PROJECT: My project is a tactile, interactive medium for animating a humanoid digitally. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): To give users an opportunity to animate without having prior knowledge about animation To develop a user-friendly interface To inspire users […]

CUGR Proposal Draft

CUGR Proposal Draft

FIRST DRAFT Version 1.5 ABSTRACT I want to create a device that allows K-12 students to experience an essential aspect of animation, the keyframe. Students aren’t exposed to the concept of keyframes unless they take a specialized class, and I want to create an easy […]

Proposal Draft/Outline – IanH

Proposal Draft/Outline – IanH

Introduction: Animation is an art that has been revered by those of all ages ever since it’s major company debut in 1937 with Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. As the years have gone by, the art of animation in the west has morphed […]

Preliminary Research – JackL

Preliminary Research – JackL

NMD Capstone Preliminary Research 9/17/19 Jack Lampinen VALUES Review your notes from Humane Tech and the Design Guide.  Consider how your project addresses the concerns and values expressed by the design guide. Is there a way your project could support an even better quality of […]

Protected: Design Guide – Taylor Pullen

Protected: Design Guide – Taylor Pullen

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

CUGR Proposal Draft – AustinM

CUGR Proposal Draft – AustinM

Abstract My Project is a different way of viewing advertisements on social media platforms. Essentially it is a machine learning system that detects previously selected products in a picture and allows users to visit the location where that item is sold through a tag in […]

CUGR Proposal Draft Nick B-G

CUGR Proposal Draft Nick B-G

Abstract I am going to create either an application or website that connects the public with Latino cuisine. The app or site will have a GPS section that shows the user where Latino restaurants are within their vicinity. The user will also be able to […]

Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research

Mac Tragakis Cam Bilodeau Preliminary Research ‘Docutape’   Music in the future is going to become so much more complex, but not harder to create instead easier than it is today with more complexity focused into the technology to conduct the music itself, I am […]

Design Guide

Design Guide

1. PROJECT: ‘DocuTape’ A combination of the creative process of creating a mix tape as the eyes of a documentary film maker. 2. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): We want the community to have an enhanced curriculum surrounding the process of audio production. 3. […]

Preliminary Research, Nick B-G

Preliminary Research, Nick B-G

Values: I am going to create either an application or website that connects the public with Latino cuisine. The app or site will have a GPS section that shows the user where Latino restaurants are within their vicinity. The user will also be able to […]

Protected: PeteB- CUGR Proposal Draft

Protected: PeteB- CUGR Proposal Draft

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Protected: PeteB- Design Guide

Protected: PeteB- Design Guide

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Design Guide – AustinT

Design Guide – AustinT

Austin Thibeau NMD 498 Design Guide The basic concept of this idea comes from a few of my passions, first of all my love for food and style publication has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in elementary school. My study in […]

Preliminary Research – CamB

Preliminary Research – CamB

Cam Bilodeau Mac Tragakis Preliminary Research ‘Docutape’   Music in the future is going to become so much more complex, but not harder to create instead easier than it is today with more complexity focused into the technology to conduct the music itself, I am […]

Design Guide – CamB

Design Guide – CamB

1. PROJECT: ‘DOCUTAPE’ A ‘ docutape’ which is a documentary on the process of making a beat tape; it’s the same thing as an artist releasing an album, but instead it’s just beats and doesn’t have any audio over it. The documentary will have the […]

First Pitch -AustinT

First Pitch -AustinT

Bon Appetit’s Augmented Reality Cookbook   The basic concept of this idea comes from a few of my passions, first of all, my love for food and style publication has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in elementary school. My study in […]

Humane Design Guide Nick B-G

Humane Design Guide Nick B-G

1. Project: I am going to create an application that connects the public with Latino cuisine. The app will have a GPS section that shows the user where Latino restaurants are within their vicinity. The user will also be able to leave a review and […]

CUGR Proposal Draft

CUGR Proposal Draft

draft – budget –

RyanL – Design Guide Check

RyanL – Design Guide Check

1. PROJECT: For my New Media Capstone, I want to create an app called “JoyRyde”. This app is going to allow people who go on drives to blow off steam, de-stress, or smoke in the amount of time they choose, with whatever scenery they prefer. […]

First Pitch

First Pitch

Cam Bilodeau and I want to create what we call a ‘DocuTape.’ This is a mix tape combined with a documentary. The video aspect will include myself and Austin as we go through creating beats, finding sounds, and discovering/producing new music. To help the community […]

Capstone Presentation Nick B-G

Capstone Presentation Nick B-G   what i was prepared to say is in the speaker notes on the slides

First Pitch – JackL

First Pitch – JackL

I would like to attempt to better the immersive properties of VR by trying to remove the sense of boundaries around the user’s movement. If I can trick them into thinking that they have unlimited space to move, then they will lose more sensitivity of […]

First Pitch – IanH

First Pitch – IanH

Here is the link to the presentation I gave to the class. This should explain all of the basics of my idea.

IanH – Preliminary Research

IanH – Preliminary Research

For this project, I plan to create a 5-10 minute short animation using software such as pencil2D and possibly DigiCel Flipbook. These are both more traditional 2d animation programs that focus on rasterized production, rather than vector. The main difference here is vector has more […]

Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research #preliminaryresearcfh #alejpride #allisonpriole VALUES Can we bring fun, joy and connection with friends through the use of an accessibility tool to fight discrimination and stigmas? When people typically see an accessibility device they may back off due to worry or fear. They may have […]

Protected: PeteB – Preliminary Research

Protected: PeteB – Preliminary Research

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Design Guide Check – AustinM

Design Guide Check – AustinM

1. PROJECT: Product Tag My Project is a different way of viewing advertisements on social media platforms. Essentially it is a machine learning system that detects previously selected products in a picture and allows users to visit the location where that item is sold through […]

Design Guide Check

Design Guide Check

DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT BRIEFLY 1. PROJECT: My project is a redesigned cane for accessibility. The primary audience is visually challenged, children.  2. KEY VALUES (YOURS, AND THOSE OF PROJECT): To create child-friendly accessibility devices. Devices that are fun to use, look cool and still keep […]

First Pitch-Allison

First Pitch-Allison

First Pitch in Google Slides #firstpitch 

First pitch idea

First pitch idea

Jessica Commeau FirstPitch ^^ up above is the power point presentation for download

MatthewM – First Pitch

MatthewM – First Pitch

So My presentation for my cap stone project was to build/make a website for Local breweries. I would create this website for people can find new beers that thy can try and learn more about beer and how every place makes their own types of […]

Protected: PeteB – First Pitch

Protected: PeteB – First Pitch

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.



My capstone idea is in collaboration with Mac Tregakis, and we’re calling it a “docutape”. Our plan has two parts to it. One being a beat tape from Mac, which is the same thing as an artist coming out with an album with anywhere between […]

AndrewG – First Pitch

AndrewG – First Pitch

I want to create a humanoid mannequin that can be moved into any realistic position, and be able to take the precise movements in the joints of the mannequin and translate them into a character on a screen. From that point, I want the user […]

AustinM – First Pitch

AustinM – First Pitch

For my Capstone I want to take a look at the problem of unwanted advertisements on social media sites. At first I wanted to just block all of the ads for people on their social media platforms but after the small class discussion on Monday […]

TannerM – First Pitch

TannerM – First Pitch

For my NMD Capstone I plan to create an animation of some sort, either a pilot episode to a TV show or just an animated short, that will have a big focus on music. Down below is a link to a video that sets up […]

RyanL – NMD Capstone

RyanL – NMD Capstone

Ryan Libbey NMD 498 9-2-2019 Presentation For my New Media Capstone, I want to create an app called “JoyRyde”. This app is going to allow people who go on drives to blow off steam, de-stress, or smoke in the amount of time they choose, with […]

CUGR Grant Proposal

CUGR Grant Proposal

italics represent CUGR grant instructions Abstract Summarize what you intend to accomplish as concisely as possible. The abstract should contain a concise overview of the project. The character limit for the abstract is no more than 1000 characters. Project Description Reviewers will be faculty from a […]

Web Hosting

Web Hosting Historically, the default Web host for NMD students is, hosted by DreamHost. NMDProjects requires an FTP client such as Cyberduck to upload files and folders, and you’ll need to ask your instructor to take administrator-level actions like installing new server software. is […]

Gantt Charts

Gantt Charts

How to use Ganttproject Youtube Tutorial To create a task: Double-click in left column, or click the big blue arrow icon at top.  Type the name of the task. Adjust the dates by dragging the ends of the blue bar at right (tricky) or by […]



Portfolio As part of your capstone requirement, and to prepare you for internships, grants, jobs, you will keep a portfolio with all of you best work, and in addition a record of your ongoing assignment snapshot progress on your capstone.  If you are using wordpress, […]

Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research

Values Conduct the following research to help you craft the first draft of your Text based proposal. Review your notes from Humane Tech and the Design Guide.  Consider how your project addresses the concerns and values expressed by the design guide. Is there a way […]

Class Logistics

Class Logistics

Enable AirPlay As you know, you must be able to display your work on a screen via AirPlay. If you don’t have an iPad or recent Mac running Mountain Lion or better, you must purchase AirParrot ($13)  There will be no exceptions. Install Slack Sign up […]

First Pitch

First Pitch

Prepare full-class presentation Come to class prepared with a 5-minute presentation of your capstone.  This first pitch should include: visuals–images of similar projects, snapshots of problems this project will rectify title, basic concept, possible technology used, intended audience, and challenges you will face your current […]



Gathering and presenting feedback Choosing a sample Random Best for performances, installations, and other face-to-face live events. Accost visitors with a clipboard and pen. Hand-picked Best for early tests of an online project. Actively try to get a representative sample. Create occasions for testing, eg […]

Gannt Charts

Gantt Charts

Gantt Charts

How to use Ganttproject

Youtube Tutorial

To create a task:

  • Double-click in left column, or click the big blue arrow icon at top.
  •  Type the name of the task.
  • Adjust the dates by dragging the ends of the blue bar at right (tricky) or by clicking on the Begin and End date.
  •  You can always adjust a task’s properties by double-clicking on its blue bar at right or clicking the green rectangle-with-pushpin icon at top.

To group tasks together:

  •  Create an overall task at the top of a list of similar tasks.
  •  Indent the sub-tasks by hitting the tab key while selecting them.

To create a milestone:

  •  Create a task as you would normally, then open the properties dialog box and check “Milestone”.

To show dependencies (when one task must be completed for another to begin):

  •  Click and drag from the end of one bar to the beginning of another to draw an arrow connecting them. Warning: may change the position of your bars in unexpected ways!

To show progress:

  •  Hover over the beginning of a bar until the cursor turns to a percent sign, then drag from left to right to indicate percent completed. Note that the bar will disappear on weekends–I guess that’s to guarantee you get some R&R!
  • *Set today as a red line by checking the box under Edit > Settings > Gantt Chart.




For video (5 & 1 minute) Remember that the video will be seen by many people who don’t know you or your project.  How would you describe yourself and your project to a smart but recent New Media students?  Use cues from Milestone 6 to […]



For Social Media Poster(s) Illustrator or Photoshop will give you more tools; Adobe Spark will help you create a quick poster, and export the same layout in different social media formats (like FB banner, Instagram image etc): Adobe Spark Post: Poster should have Background […]

Milestone 6

Milestone 6

For Milestone 6,  imagine you are helping a smart but non-technical stranger understand and appreciate your work. Assume no prior knowledge.  I’d like you to focus on the following, though any of these items can be brief, most are critical for a deep understanding of […]

User Testing

User Testing

1. IDENTIFY YOUR AUDIENCE a) Your capstone’s ideal target audience, and My ideal target audience would be children and young adults who are visually impaired, low vision or blind. b) The users you have access to who is closest to that audience. Which people/folders/organizations are […]