Task 2 Peter Vigoda
Codepen: https://codepen.io/PeterVigoda/pen/OJWeayx Dreamhost: I signed up on my laptop before it I sent it to Dell to be fixed and am on a loaner so I do not have the link at the moment
Codepen: https://codepen.io/PeterVigoda/pen/OJWeayx Dreamhost: I signed up on my laptop before it I sent it to Dell to be fixed and am on a loaner so I do not have the link at the moment
Codepen URL: https://codepen.io/Conner-Ingalls/pen/OJWXEQY Dreamhost URL: connerrayingalls.com
screenshot and URL of my first codepen site: https://codepen.io/autumn-chapman/pen/wvoPxMN my dreamhost URL: https://autumnjay.com/
https://codepen.io/ekoorb21/pen/qBqXRNy Dreamhost – www.bhclement.com
Here is my Webpage using CSS Rulesets, img, and text. My WordPress website is here: www.foxgleason.com/
Here’s my Codepen screenshot for the beginnings of my homepage: My website URL is jacklampinen.com.
This is my Codepen Page:
Codepen Link Portfolio Website
This is my code pen page.
OpenCode DreamHost
Brians Codepen Url brianellsmore.com
Link to code pen: https://codepen.io/Colinwd3/pen/jOVWjBq My Dream host name colinweed.com https://www.colinweed.com/
Link to my Codepen. Link to my dreamhost url
This is my CodePen Example Link. My Dreamhost Domain name is jakehotaling.com
Here is my Codepen Here is my Dreamhost Domaine
Jack’s Dreamhost Domain URL Jack’s Code Pen URL
Jalyssa’s Codepen
Dreamhost Domain CodePen Assignment
This is my CodePen page. Dreamhost domain name: katiestewart.org
Codepen Page Dreamhost Domain Name www.stellacashman.com
This is my Codepen Page
Joline’s Codepen
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