Task 7
W3: Quotations/ColorsColor Picker : https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp
- Quiz 7
- Practice CodePen HTML:
- use block quote and q
- use hexadecimal background OR text colors for 2 H (header) elements
- Portfolio: Starter Template page(s)
- Portfolio: Create a Photo or Video Template Page, add menu for page
- Contact Clients with team via Zoom
- Get Client wish list
- Get Basic info for client website
- Plan weekly tasks, and finish week 1 tasks for client on Trello
- Subject: Task 7-yourname
- Category: Task 7 (Do not use “Task” which is reserved for my assignment instructions)
- Codepen image & URL (use “HTML comments” to distinguish each codepen addition)
- URL to Portfolio Photo or Video page–showcasing some of your work (or placeholders)
- URL to your team Trello