Task 6
Task 6 – Autumn Chapman
my codepen for task 6 my starter template portfolio page
Task 5-6-7 Peter Vigoda
Codepen: https://codepen.io/PeterVigoda/pen/oNBKyoV
Task 6 – Nhan Chau
Codepen Page “Customized” Portfolio
Task 6, Ingalls
Codepen Home
task 6 sean kearney
dbaska.net/Sean.kearney https://codepen.io/skearney19/pen/WNojQGE
Task 6 – Andreas Sandoval
Codepen Page Made Some Tweaks in Overall Design of Portfolio
Task 6 – Jack Roy-Becker
CodePen URL Portfolio URL
Codepen: https://codepen.io/Colinwd3/pen/dyOqGgO My portfolio site so far: https://www.colinweed.com/
my website: my CodePen:
Task 6 – JacobH
Codepen Portfolio
Week 6 Lilly Furrow
My Portfolio My Code Pen
Task 6 – Aimee Whitman
Codepen task 6. All of my images have links but struggling to add links to the navigation menu. Using ‘Calligraphy’ starter template for about me and contact page.
Task 6 – KacieB
Wasn’t a big fan of how it looked, so it’s on it own page for reference CodePen
Violet Singer- Task 6
Here is my Codepen: I had some trouble trying to get the email link to work:/ Here is my website: I gave it a more professional look as well as added links to my contact page!
Brian Ellsmore – Task 6
Link to my updated site Link to my codepen
Portfolio Codepen
Task6-Katie Stewart
I couldn’t figure out how to make an image a link so this is what I have for this week. https://codepen.io/katiestewart1027/pen/gOLjXXP
Stella C. – Task 6
Codepen Site Right here. I couldn’t capture an image of it, unfortunately, because my screen capturing software broke on me. Website Small warning: I may or may not have broken it by fiddling with it a bit too much.
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