Client Website

Your Client Website is due on May 3 with final Client meetings between the last day of class, April 26 and May 5th.  If your site is near completion, I recommend an early date, so you can finish sooner.


Each of your Client has different levels of expertise and need; so your work with clients is likely to reflect those differences.  That main outcome of this work should be

  1. You’ve made some mistakes, discovered some solutions, and figured things out!!  Welcome to how learning happens in the transition away from school.
  2. You’ve increased your skills and confidence with WordPress and building websites.
  3. You learned some important lessons about working on a team
  4. You’ve got some experience working with clients and offering your skills and advice as well as learning how to use feedback.
  5. You’ve developed some insights about what makes a good website that you can use for both clients and your own website.

Your client site should have many features similar to your portfolio site, as well as some differences.  Your site should have most of the following:

  1. Home/landing page–telling the best bried=f story about your client that you can manage with images and (little) text.
  2. About page–more detailed client description geared to good stories that would interest viewers
  3. Menu Navigation to key client info–for many this is an emphasis on offering or selling services products, so make action buttons that allow this on every page/post/menu…
  4. Client products and/or services. You should have enough of these done, so your client take over adding their own within the clear and clear structure you have provided. You may want to add a few samples templates they could use in future?
  5. Contact Page with social media icons if they use social media.
  6. Blog with a few posts about “what’s new” as well as a schedule for adding new content if this is appropriate for your client site. For example, sailing & guiding clients may want to add “monthly stories” from customers.  If you set up 2-3 of these, they can use them as well as your “blog” section to build on this in the future.  If not, they can eliminate the “blog” part of the menu.
  7. Shop/Market–a few clients can benefit from an initial set up of WooCommerce plug-in. You can set up the main pages, as well as a few sample pages, and then let them fill in email, and other client info afterwards.
  8. Backup strategy–You should all have the Total Upkeep plugin-in
  9. Brief handoff tutorial about how to work with Dashboard and how to add photos and text content in either pages or posts, and how to use categories, and add/change menu items.  I will send you a Client Tutorial for this.  You can offer to remain an admin (and also show them how to demote/remove your role) and offer services after the semester is over.  If they reach out often, you can begin few sessions for free, but then say you can put more time if you can count your time as work hours and get paid in some way.  Even if it’s a 10/hrs per month, this can be a fine internship!!  Let me know if you do this, as we will add it too our New Media internship/client list. Growing this list will help ALL NMD students get better jobs more easily in Maine and beyond!!


EG, pages, tasks, layout, meetings, design, logos, etc.

Do NOT take credit for work your teammates did, and pass it off as your own.  Instead reach out to me for an alt assignment. I will work with you if you take responsibility for your level of contribution.

