Client Site – Autumn Chapman

Link to Client Site:

For our client site we. all worked together in the beginning to set up the bones of the site, we followed the wants and needs of our clients closely in terms of pages and color scheme, we used my client site for this. Once that was all set up we started to branch off and  take certain sections of the site we were particularly interested in. For me that meant taking over the blog page. The clients had over 200 blog posts and weren’t ready to do a transition yet so I did not upload all 200 posts but I did go through and upload a good chunk of the posts with a different style, added cover photos and categories that I discussed with the clients. On top of making this sample blog page I also did research of different plug ins my clients could use once they decided to transfer their site, I added this research in an email I then sent to the clients. I also ran multiple weekly meetings.


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